Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Building MPICH Libraries without Root Permission

On PowerPC (G4/G5)

This article is based on Warner's documentation.

I am using mpich-1.2.7p1 from the mpich homepage. Here, C++ interface is disabled for now, I have no idea why xlc failed to be used as c++ compiler by the configure script.
% env FC=xlf_r CC=xlc_r F90=xlf90_r RSHCOMMAND=ssh SOCKSIZE=65536 ./configure --disable-cxx --without-romio --without-mpe --with-device=ch_p4 --with-device=ch_shmem --enable-sharedlib --prefix=/Users/johndoe/opt/mpich
% make
% make install
% find /Users/johndoe/opt/mpich -name '*.a' -exec ranlib -c {} \;

(This is for just in case that linking problem shows up later in amber compilation. It might generate "no symbols" message, don't worry about it.)

Later I'll finish the part for Intel CPU based Macintosh.

env SOCKSIZE=65536 RSHCOMMAND=ssh CC=icc CXX=icpc FC=ifort F90=ifort ./configure --with-device=ch_p4 --with-device=ch_shmem --prefix=/home/software/mpich