Sunday, October 21, 2007

[amber7] make: *** [test.sander] Error 1

(I am sorry that I totally forgot this website project for quite a while, I am going to begin to review the problem from the AMBER reflector, if you found it still doesn't help, drop a note in the AMBER reflector or just comment in the guestbook for this blog.)
XLF/XLC on the Mac OS X is a little bit different, the exiting code might be different and the return value from the program might be mistaken as an error. From this 2004 post by Dr. Langsetmo in the Amber reflector:

i get the following error:
cd dmp; ./Run.dmp
  Program error
make: *** [test.sander] Error 1
however, if i go to the dmp directory and give the command "../dacdif mdout" i get the answer:
In my testing case, once Machines/Machine.rs6000 is taken as the MACHINE file, this problem is gone.
[test/]% env TESTsander=~/amber7/src/sander/sander Make test.sander
cd dmp; ./Run.dmp
diffing with mdout