Monday, May 15, 2006

Building LAM-MPI Libraries without Root Permission

This example has been tested on ppc machine with XL FORTRAN compiler. Strange enough, xlc is not working at this point, AMBER 9 only needs F90 compiler support from LAM anyway. These are the commands:
% env FC=xlf_r F77=xlf_r LDFLAGS=-lSystemStubs ./configure --with-rsh="/usr/bin/ssh -x" --prefix=/Users/johndoe/opt/lam --with-memory-manager=none
% make
% make install

Following example has been tested on intel core duo machine with Intel FORTRAN compiler. These are the commands:
% env FC=ifort F77=ifort ./configure --with-rsh="/usr/bin/ssh -x" --prefix=/Users/johndoe/opt/lam
% make
% make install

Later you just need to add ~/opt/lam into your path, no root permission needed.