Solving nmr_aux problem with IBM XL C compiler
According to the AMBER reflector, there were several people reporting[1], [2] compilation problem in nmr_aux directory.
/usr/bin/ld: can't open: NULL (No such file or directory, errno = 2)
Although for some reason it doesn't seem to be affecting me, but the solution can be found at ABSoft's technical archives[3]. Basically it's like changing /etc/opt/ibmcmp/vac/6.0
from the line crtbegin = NULL
to #crtbegin = NULL
Then try to compile it again. If you don't have the permission to change the file, you can copy the vac.cfg file to your own directory and modify that file. (say, your home directory) Then change the xlc argument to
xlc -F/Users/youraccountname/vac.cfgin amber9/src/config.h file....